Hayward, William.
Address: Uncertain, possibly on site of Crown.
Town: Oxted.
Dates: From 1600 to 1613.
References: William Hayward, East Hill, Oxted. 1604 SCR,
Surrey Arch Collns VI. 152. Haywards in Oxted.
Manning & Bray;
Oxted parish registers;
Other Trading names: Thomas Hayward, pre 1613 scr; Thos Chapman post 1613; Elizabeth Chapman 1639 scr; Judith Lashmar 1839 scr; J. M. Lashmar 1855.
Acquired by: Robert Chapman, 4th Sept 1613.
Biographical Details: According to reliable sources, the brewery was founded by William Haywood in 1600, and together with a servant, John Rogers, was supplying "bere" to the surrounding neighbourhood. William Haywood died in 1604 and an entry in the parish registers records his occupation as "bruer". Thomas, his son, assumed responsibility for the running of the brewery, and together with a servant Mary Vindrell, with whom he had formed an aquaintance, continued for some years until his death in 1613. The oxted burial register contains the following entry: "1613,on ye xxth day of September, buryed Thomas Hayward ye brewer." He appears to have died without issue and to have been either a widower or a bachelor. His will proved at Canterbury, and dated the "fouerth daye" of September 1613, left everything to his sister's son, Robert Chapman in the following words: "all my landes lying in Oxtede aforesaid...the reversion of yeares yet to runne with the lease of my dwelling house...all my goodes, chattels, debtes and all other things which I have in Oxtede or els weare."
Chapman, Robert.ADDRESS: uncertain, but possibly on the site of the Crown.
Town: Oxted
Dates: from 1613 to 1639.
References: Surrey Archaeological Collections Vol ix p.215. Elizabeth Chapman.
1616-18 at Oxted the smith was Robt Chapman (from notebook of Bostock Fuller, Tandridge JP). Other Trading names: Elizabeth Chapman 1639. Judith Lashmar 1839; Wm.Hayward 1604; Thomas Hayward 1613;
Acquired by: Robert Palmer, maltster, but uncertain. The crown brewery held by the Lashmars, started life as a malthouse some 70 years after Thomas Hayward's death.
Biographical Details: Robert Chapman inherited the brewery from Thomas Hayward on 4th September 1613. There is a reference to a warrant issued Nov 28 1616 against Roberte Chapman the Elder and Roberte Chapman the Younger and Elizabeth his wyfe, to keep the peace to Oxsted, ad servitum William Masters. Elizabeth Chapman is recorded dying in 1639. The 1641/42 protestation returns for Oxted also list Robert Chapman and John Chapman, but there is no mention of the brewery by then. The Manor Rolls 1687 includes the following entry: "Monday ,3 Oct 3 Jas II, court leet or view of frank pledge with court baron of The Manor of Oxted, Surrey....Robert Palmer, deceased, held a messuage called Burds and one orchard and a house recently built for making malt in the town of Oxted (rent 7d) John Palmer, son and heir, died under age and Robert the Younger is brother to John, wherefore heriot due to the Lord." About 50 years later the malthouse is found to be in possession of William Holmden and on 24 Oct. 19.Geo II (1745) we find that:"John & Robt Holmden owe heriot for holding Wallers and Croochland etc of their father, Will Holmden deceased." The property known as "Wallers" was apparently the malthouse since the changes in the posession of Wallers according to the manor rolls correspond with the names of occupiers of the malthouse revealed in the rate books. up to 1755, the rate books show Robt Holmden as occupier but it seems that he retired, died, or moved away about this time. The next 4 entries show: May 1756, occupiers of Mr. Holmden's; May 1757. late Robt. Holmden's; Dec.1757, occupiers of malthouse; Mar 1758, occupiers of ye malthouse and land. The Manorial Rolls show that the manor court met on Monday 29th October 33 Geo II (1759) to record that: "Thomas Holmden, eldest son and heir of John Holmden, and Richard Holmden alienated Crouchland and Wallers to John Nash." It appears that John Nash, who died in 1760, may have acquired the malthouse for his son, Edward. Certainly, Edward Nash appears as maltster in the rate books covering the period April 1759 to October 1797. At the period, and indeed for another century or more, the local maltster or brewer was regarded as one of the more substantial citizens in any small town. Edward Nash was no exception. We find him recorded in 1762 and again in 1766 as overseer of the poor. In the period 1763-5 he was a churchwarden. In 1790 he was collector of land tax and in 1791-96 both a collector and assessor of land tax. He retired in 1797 and his son john took over. Edward died in september 1798. When John Nash became the local maltster, he also succeeded his father as land tax assessor and collector, posts which he held until 1811. By 1817, John had retired and the malthouse passed to William Peters, the son of his sister, Mary, who let the premises to John Marchant Lashmar. It is interesting to note that adjoining the malthouse was a cooperage, this had long been held by the Gream family until 1781 when John Gream retired leaving only a daughter, Sarah. In 1768 she had married George Peters of Bletchingley whose brother, William, married Mary Nash. George Peters died in l793 and Sarah became the owner until her death in 1808. From 1793-1803 the cooperage was worked as a partnership between Joseph Brown and William Peters Senior,who in 1817 became the owner of the neighbouring malthouse. From 1809-1819 the cooperage was owned by George Peters Junior, son of Sarah and George, but on his death it passed to William Peters Junior, the son of his cousin William who owned the malthouse. Thus, with the passage of time, the two businesses came into common ownership,
Lashmar, William Turner & John.
Address: Crown Brewery, East Hill.
Town: Oxted
Dates: from 1855 to 1882
References: Kelly’s 1855,1859 John Marchant Lashmar;
Kelly’s 1862 Lashmar Bros.
Kelly’s 1867,1871,1876 & by 1876 lists Wm Turner & Jn Marchnt Lashmar.
KWSBD 1887 & Kelly’s 1878 list Wm Turner Lashmar.
Kelly’s 1882 lists Bushell & Wadley.
Oxted parish registers: John Marchant Lashmar - b.28 Aug 1810; d.23 Mar 1875, buried in Tandridge Churchyard.
Elizabeth Lashmar d.18 Mar 1898 aged 86 years.
Other Trading names; John Marchant Lashmar - pre 1855 SCR & Judith Lashmar 1839 SCR Piggots.
See also Hayward & Chapman.
Acquired by: Bushell & Wadley, Westerham 1882.

Biographical Details: John Marchant Lashmar was the second of 10 children of Thomas Lashmar and Elizabeth Marchant. Thomas & Elizabeth appear to have been a romantic couple for, according to the family bible, he "stole her away". There is no trace of their marriage anywhere in the vicinity and certainly the entry above mentioned, following as it does,the words "?married Elizabeth Marchant" seems to indicate a lack of knowledge, somewhat suprising within a family which recorded its births & deaths from 1743-1898 and many of its marriages. Whatever the answer may be, all the children were born at Tandridge where Thomas and his brothers & sisters had also originated, so it does not appear that there was any family estrangement. Sometime prior to his death in 1834, John had taken his nephew William into the business but not only as an employee. The ownership of the business passed to his widow Judith, who continued the malting business, employing William to run the newly built Crown Brewery. Judith died in 1852 aged 76, but 3 years earlier had retired and passed control of the business to her son, John Marchant Lashmar II. In due course he too retired and the business came into the hands of the Lashmar brothers - John Marchant Lashmar III, and William Turner Lashmar. In January 1871, John assigned his share to his brother although the firm's style remained unchanged. In 1875 John died, followed by William in December 1881 whereupon the business was sold to Bushell & Wadley. Most of their 10 licensed houses were held on lease as was the brewery which ceased production soon after the takeover, the beer being supplied from Westerham. On 3 May 1892 the Crown Inn was offered for sale by the trustees of the late Sarah Price who had owned the freehold. In order to arouse the maximum interest and thus realise the best price the sale catalogue offered the successful bidder the opportunity of leasing the Crown Brewery for the period of 80 years. Furthermore, the lessor was prepared to "erect a new brewhouse, adapted to the modern requirements of brewing upon payment of a fair rate of interest upon the outlay." the brewery was described as "having been carried on upwards of 50 years by the late John Lashmar and his successors Messrs LashmarBros." but after almost 10 years of disuse since its closure in 1882, it must have been somewhat dilapidated as evidenced by the offer to build a new one. The new purchaser did not however take up the offer to build a new one, for it was none other than Ben Bushell - not only had he prevented the loss of an outlet but he had also prevented a potential competitor from starting up business. The old brewery wasconverted into a private house which was finally demolished in 1936 to make way for a block of council flats. The only picture of the brewery so far identified, was drawn in 1932 after the semi-conversion to flats, the artist was Arthur Keene. Around the brewery were hopfields within living memory. Meadowbrook (5 acres) and Bushey Croft, upon Limpsfield Chart (15 acres) were put over to hops. Some external walls from various brewery out-buildings survive,the main one being an ostehouse which was struck by lightning (an aged resident of Oxted recalls).
Licensed Houses:
Admiral (Rodney), Reigate;
Beehive,Dovers Green, Reigate;
Bull Hotel, Limpsfield;
Carpenters Arms, Limpsfield Chart;
Crown, Oxted;
Fox & Hounds, Godstone;
Fox & Hounds, Brasted Chart, Kent;
Old House at Home, Dormansland;
Prince of Wales, Reigate.
A search has been made in the local studies library catalogue and the following information has been found:
Mary Alderton, Oxted 2000 ? The Place of the Oaks, (Oxted Parish Council, 1999), ref. 942.2OXT, see p.49 and p.73. The author refers to Pigot & Co.'s Directory of 1839 which mentions several women engaged in local trades including one Judith Lashmar who is named as a brewer and maltser. The Lashmar family's brewery was apparently located on the High Street in Oxted. A brewery had existed on this site since the fifteenth century and had had various extensions and renovations over the years. The brewery was demolished in the twentieth century and a block of flats was built on the same site in 1936 ? (known as 'The Brewery' and later as 'Brew HouseFlats').
Richard Symonds, A Directory of Surrey Breweries and Mineral Water Companies 1839-1938, (R. Symonds, 1982), ref. 663.3p. See p.12 which includes a reference to William T. Lashmar and John Lashmar who ran the Crown Brewery in Oxted during the period 1867-1882.
Lesley Richmond and Alison Turton, The Brewing Industry - A Guide to Historical Records, (Manchester University Press, 1990), ref.663. See p.89 which also includes a reference to William Turner Lashmar and John Lashmar at the Crown Brewery at East Hill in Oxted. The Oxted based brewery is stated to have been established c.1604 and was acquired by another company, B.C. Bushell & Co. Ltd. in 1882. The records of this company were held Allied Breweries Ltd. at the time of publication (Cannon Brewery, 156 St John Street, London, EC1P 1AR) although the authors do not state exactly which records are held for predecessor companies.
N.O. Faulkner, A Long Life Allied Breweries A Directory of Ancestor Breweries, (1988), ref.663.3, see p.11 of the section relating to Friary Meux Breweries. The author lists known owners/managers of the Crown Brewery that was based on East Hill in Oxted including several members of the Lashmar family: William Turner Lashmar and John Lashmar (1855-1882), John Marchmont Lashmar (pre 1855), Judith Lashmar (1839). There is a large gap in the list of known owners of the brewery between 1639-1839. None of the brewery's owners in the seventeenth century have the surname 'Lashmar'. The date that the brewery was taken over by Bushell and Wadley of Westerham in Kent (1882) is noted once again by the author.I was also able to check the 1851 census records for Oxted (on microfiche) as we hold name indexes for this particular census year. I found two households for the surname 'Lashmar', the details for which are as follows:
Fiche ref. HO107 1600, f.161b, fiche 4+, household no.22 Judith Lashmar, head, widow, 75, occupation ? maltser, brewer, etc., born Leigh Kent Susannah Lashmar, daughter, unmarried, 44, no occupation given, born Tandridge SurreyJohn M. Lashmar, son, unmarried, 40, occupation - maltser, brewer and farmer, born Tandridge Surrey (The line below the entries for this family reads 'Farm 99 acres employing 19 men, 3 women, 3 boys').
Fiche ref. HO107 1600, f.160a, fiche 3+, household no.7 Elizabeth Fidler, head, unmarried, 40, occupation ? housekeeper, born Oxted Surrey
Charles P. Lashmar, nephew, 17, brewer, born Oxted Surrey
William T. Lashmar, nephew, 16, born Oxted Surrey
John Lashmar, nephew, 10, scholar, born Oxted Surrey
Sarah Ann Lashmar, niece, 8, scholar, born Oxted Surrey
Several Surrey directories for the mid-nineteenth century were checked and the following entries were found for Lashmar family members in the sections for Oxted:
Post Office Directory Surrey 1851 ? Messrs.Lashmar, brewers and maltsters;
Kelly's Directory of Surrey 1855 ? John Marchant Lashmar, brewer and maltster;
Kelly's Directory of Surrey 1867 ? William Turner Lashmar and John Lashmar,brewers and maltsters.
The Ordnance Survey maps that they hold for the Oxted area were also checked and it was found that a brewery is shown in Oxted High Street on the first edition of sheet ref. XXVII.12 (surveyed 1868-69, published 1880). The same building is not labelled as a brewery on the later editions of the same sheet for 1912 and 1933. As the address for the Oxted brewery is stated to be East Hill in some of the records listed above, a check was also made on the maps for this area (ref. XXVIII.9) but no such building was found to be marked on these maps.
None of the records listed above made any reference to the Lashmar family being the landlords of a pub in Oxted. Several items held in the licensing records in the Surrey Quarter Sessions were checked for any references to the Lashmar family in Oxted and Tandridge. (Please bear in mind that there are large gaps in this series of licensing records). Unfortunately, there were no records for anyone with the surname 'Lashmar' as either the licensee or owner an Oxted/Tandridge pub in the Return of Licensed Houses that they hold for 1892 and 1903 (ref. QS5/10/22-23).
Similarly, no one was found with the surname 'Lashmar' listed with the licensees of pubs in Oxted andTandridge when the Register of Recognizances of Licensed Victuallers for the period 1825-1827 (ref. QS5/10/5) was checked.
The Lashmar pedigree is quite extensive, and many Lashmars lived in Steyning and Brighton. One branch of the clan, however, lived in Oxted, and it is from that lineage I make extract herewith:
William #2 LASHMAR6,30,33, GG Grandfather. Born on Nov 18, 1804 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.32,6,33,3 Christened on Nov 18, 1804 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.6,30 At the age of <1 -="" 14="" 1804.6="" 1833="" 1834.31="" 1850="" 18="" 29="" 45.32="" 6="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer.="" buried="" ca="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" he="" in="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" tandridge="" the="" was="" william="">
In 1824 - 1833 when William #2 was 19, he married Sarah FIDLER6,33,3, GG Grandmother. Born in 1805.33 Sarah died in Oxted, Surrey, England, on Aug 2, 1848; she was 43.3 Buried on Aug 9, 1848 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33
They had the following children:
i. Charles Peter Marchant #3 (1833-1868)
ii. William Turner #3 (1834-1911)
iii. Mary Ann (1836-1837)
iv. Thomas #4 (1839-1839)
v. John Marchant#4 (1840->1898)
vi. Sarah Ann (1841-)
vii. George (1844-1844)
Sarah LASHMAR, GGG Aunt. Born on Apr 19, 1809 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.32,30 Christened on Apr 30, 1809 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.30 At the age of <1 10="" 1809.30="" 1839="" 1="" 30.32="" 30="" apr="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" may="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was="">
John Marchant#3 LASHMAR58,59, GGG Uncle. Born on Aug 28, 1810 in Tandridge, Surrey - 1851 Census.36,32,6,3 Christened on Sep 30, 1810 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.30 At the age of <1 -="" 1810.30="" 1848="" 1849.31="" 1851="" 1855.31="" 1855.60="" 1855="" 1859.31="" 1867.="" 1867="" 1873="" 1875="" 23="" 30="" 31="" 37="" 44="" 48="" 56="" 64.32="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" buried="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.30="" england="" farmer="" godstone="" he="" in="" john="" kelly="" last="" maltser="" mar="" marchant="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" post="" s="" sep="" surrey.36="" surrey="" tandridge="" testament.62="" the="" was="" will="">
On Aug 9, 1855 when John Marchant#3 was 44, he married Elizabeth #3 FIDLER32,3, in St. Mark's, Marylebone.3 Born in 1812 in Ewell, Surrey, England.32,30 Elizabeth #3 died in Tandridge, Surrey, England, on Mar 13, 1898; she was 86.32,61,3 Buried on Mar 19, 1898 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.30 Resided in Tandridge, Redhill, Surrey, England, in 1891.63
Audrey Ann LASHMAR32, GGG Aunt. Born on Jan 28, 1814 in Tandridge, Surrey, England.32,30,1,3 At the age of <1 1814.30="" 1842="" 1="" 25="" 28.32="" 9="" ann="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" in="" nov="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was="">
Family of William #2 LASHMAR (47) & Sarah FIDLER
Charles Peter Marchant #3 LASHMAR, GG Uncle. Born on Sep 16, 1833 in Oxted, Surrey, England.36,59,6,32,33,33,3 Christened on Oct 20, 1833 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 -="" 10="" 16="" 17="" 1833.33="" 1851="" 1856.72="" 1868="" 20="" 23="" 34.32="" 6="" ag3="" age="" at="" aug="" baptized="" bloomsbury="" br="" brewer="" buried="" census="" charles="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" george="" he="" in="" marchant="" middlesex="" nov="" occupation:="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" parish="" peter="" redhill="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" yrs.="">
On Nov 16, 1856 when Charles Peter Marchant #3 was 23, he married Ann HARTNUP32, daughter of John HARTNUP, in Parish, St. George Bloomsbury, Middlesex, England.72 Born in 1835 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 Ann died in Red Hill, Surrey, England, on Oct 5, 1886; she was 51. Buried on Oct 11, 1886 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33
They had one child:
i. George (1855-1880)
William Turner #3 LASHMAR58,73, G Grandfather. Born on Dec 14, 1834 in Oxted, Surrey, England.73,36,59,33,3 At the age of <1 -="" 1835.33="" 1851-post="" 1855="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867-1882="" 1867-kelly="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1874="" 1876.31="" 1878.31="" 1881.58="" 1890="" 1901-retired="" 1911="" 19="" 20="" 25="" 2="" 32="" 36="" 41="" 43="" 46="" 76.58="" 7="" aft="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" birth="" br="" brewer.74="" brewer="" brewery="" buried="" charles="" crown="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.32="" england="" epsom="" february="" fetcham-2m="" gent.73="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" l.="" leatherhead-3m="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" percy="" ran="" s="" sry="" surrey="" sw="" the="" turner="" w.="" wallington="" was="" william="">
William Turner #3 married Elizabeth (Eliza) DALE73, G Grandmother, daughter of UNKNOWN DALE & UNKNOWN. Born in 1841 in St. George’s East, Kent, England.73 Elizabeth (Eliza) died in 1919; she was 78.32 Buried on May 6, 1919 in 22, Cromford Road, Wandsworth.32 Resided in 16 Brown Rd., Surbiton, Surrey, England, in 1901.73 Resided in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, in 1911.
They had the following children:
i. John William Turner#5 (1863-1910)
ii. Ernest Thomas (1865-1878)
iii. Grace Audrey (1867-)
iv. Albert Marchant (1868-)
v. Marion Eliza (1870-)
vi. Archibald George (1872-)
vii. Percy Charles (1874-1931)
viii. Thomas Dale (1875-1875)
Mary Ann LASHMAR, GG Aunt. Born on Nov 16, 1836 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33,3 At the age of <1 14="" 1836.33="" 1837="" 18="" ann="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" dec="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" mary="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" was="">
Thomas #4 LASHMAR33, GG Uncle. Born on Jan 22, 1839.33,3 At the age of <1 1839.33="" 1839="" 24="" 25="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" he="" in="" mar="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was="">
John Marchant#4 LASHMAR59,32,6, GG Uncle. Born on Feb 2, 1840 in Oxted, Surrey, England.75,36,59,76,33,3 Christened on Mar 1, 1840 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 -="" 14="" 1840.33="" 1851="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1871="" 1876.31="" 1878.="" 1891-living="" 1898="" 1901.78="" 1901="" 1="" 26="" 30="" 31="" 35="" 37="" 57.77="" 61="" 8="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" deptford="" died="" employed="" england="" farmer.75="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" maltster="" mar="" marchant="" means="" occupation:="" of="" on="" own="" oxted="" retired="" scholar="" surrey="" terrace="" the="" vulcan="" was="">
On Jul 17, 1862 when John Marchant#4 was 22, he married Mary Smith gg Aunt of Katherine GRANT79,6, daughter of Henry ggg grandfather of Katherine GRANT & Mary SMITH, in Angmering, Sussex, England.79,80 Christened on May 31, 1839 in Angmering, Sussex, England.80 Mary Smith gg Aunt of Katherine was baptized in Angmering, Sussex, England, on May 31, 1839.80 Born in Angmering, Sussex, England.80
They had the following children:
i. Letitia Mary (1863-)
ii. Elizabeth (1864-)
iii. Agnes Blanche (1866-)
iv. John Grant#6 (1867-)
v. Lilly (1868-)
vi. Charles Peter Marchant #4 (1870-)
vii. Augusta (1871-)
viii. Maud Emma (1873-)
ix. Thomas Marchant #5 (1874-)
x. Judith (1876-)
xi. Guiness Stanley (1879-)
xii. Susannah (1880-)
Sarah Ann LASHMAR30, GG Aunt. Born in Sep 1841 in Oxted, Surrey, England.36,59,33,3 At the age of <1 10="" 1841.33="" ann="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" oct="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" surrey="" was="">
On Sep 10, 1867 when Sarah Ann was 26, she married Charles STEDMAN30, son of Thomas STEDMAN, in Tandridge, Surrey, England.30 Occupation: 1867 - Grocer at time of marriage.30
They had one child:
i. Miss (niece to Wm Turner)
George LASHMAR33, GG Uncle. Born on Jun 2, 1844 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 George died in Oxted, Surrey, England, on Oct 7, 1844; he was <1 .="" 1844.33="" 1844="" 30="" 7="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" buried="" england.33="" england="" george="" in="" jun="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" the="" was="">
Family of William Turner #3 LASHMAR (86) & Elizabeth (Eliza) DALE
John William Turner#5 LASHMAR58, G Uncle. Born on Oct 12, 1863 in Oxted, Surrey, England.82,32,33 At the age of <1 -="" 1863.33="" 1884="" 1910="" 28="" 46.58="" 6="" at="" august="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" dec="" derby="" died="" distillers="" district="" england="" he="" in="" john="" lancashire="" mar="" marriage.33="" may="" mgr.82="" occupation:="" of="" on="" or="" oxted="" surrey="" time="" turner="" was="" west="" william="">
On Aug 28, 1884 when John William Turner#5 was 20, he married Annie Elizabeth SNELLING82,32, daughter of George SNELLING, in Oxted, Surrey, England.22,33 Born in 1864 in Oxted, Surrey, England.82 Resided in The Poplars, Waterloo, Lancashire, England, in 1901.82
They had the following children:
i. Annie Audrey Turner (1885-)
ii. Amy Turner (1886-)
iii. Judith Elizabeth Turner (1888-)
iv. John William Turner#7 (1891-)
v. Thomas Charles Turner#6 (1901-1968)
vi. ?Harold T.
Ernest Thomas LASHMAR6, G Uncle. Born on Jul 25, 1865 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 Christened on Aug 20, 1865 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 12.="" 1865.33="" 1878="" 20="" 27="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" ernest="" feb="" he="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was="">
Grace Audrey LASHMAR58,73, G Aunt. Born on Jan 13, 1867 in Oxted, Surrey, England.73 At the age of <1 -="" 1867.33="" 3="" account="" at="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" england="" grace="" home.73="" in="" mar="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working="">
Albert Marchant LASHMAR83, G Uncle. Born on Aug 5, 1868 in Oxted, Surrey, England.84,33 At the age of <1 -="" 121="" 1868.33="" 1868="" 1891.85="" 1891="" 1901="" 1911="" 22="" 5="" 9="" a="" age="" agent="" albert="" apr="" april="" army="" at="" baptized="" barracks="" br="" christened="" damerel="" devon.85="" devon="" eastney="" employed="" england.33="" england="" house="" in="" insurance="" manager="" marchant="" methuen="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" portsmouth.84="" portsmouth.="" private="" public="" raglan="" rd="" sep="" stoke="" surrey="" the="" was="">
In 1901-1906 when Albert Marchant was 32, he married UNKNOWN, in Portsmouth.22
They had the following children:
i. Marchant Clifford (1906-?)
ii. Grace Blanche dtr? (1906-)
Marion Eliza LASHMAR58,73, G Aunt. Born on Feb 26, 1870 in Oxted, Surrey, England.73,22 At the age of <1 -="" 1870.33="" 1870="" 30="" account="" at="" baptized="" br="" christened="" eliza="" england.22="" england="" home.73="" in="" mar="" marion="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working="">
Archibald George LASHMAR86, G Uncle. Born on Aug 2, 1872 in Oxted, Surrey, England.86,22,33 At the age of <1 -="" 1872.33="" 1872="" 4="" archibald="" baptized="" br="" butcher="" christened="" england.22="" england="" george="" in="" journeyman="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" sep="" surrey="" was="" worker.86="">
In Jun 1900 when Archibald George was 27, he married Ada Fanny TURNER, in East Grinstead, Sussex, England.22 Born in 1873 in East Grinstead, Sussex, England.86 Occupation: Wife.
Family of John Marchant#4 LASHMAR (89) & Mary Smith gg Aunt of Katherine GRANT
Letitia Mary LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Jan 28, 1863 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 At the age of <1 1863.33="" 1="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" letitia="" mar="" mary="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
In Sep 1895 when Letitia Mary was 32, she married UNKNOWN, in Greenwich.22
Elizabeth LASHMAR88, 1C2R. Born on Mar 24, 1864 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 At the age of <1 -="" 12="" 1864.33="" 1901.88="" 1901="" 1904-1906="" 1="" 36="" age="" ailor="" ann="" anns="" at="" baptized="" br="" census="" crescent="" dressmaker="" elizabeth="" employed="" england="" in="" letitia.88="" lewes="" maker="" mantle="" may="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" st.="" surrey="" sussex="" the="" w.="" was="">
Agnes Blanche LASHMAR6, 1C2R. Born in 1866 in Oxted, Surrey, England.91 Christened on Feb 18, 1866 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 1866.33="" 18="" agnes="" baptized="" blanche="" br="" england="" feb="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
In Dec 1893 when Agnes Blanche was 27, she married Morris H. BARKER88, in Greenwich.22,92 Born in 1863 in Westminster, London, England.88 Resided in 12 St. Anns Crescent, St. Ann, Lewes, Sussex, England, in 1901.88 Occupation: 1901 - Bankers Clerk.88
They had the following children:
i. Gladys B. (1895-)
ii. Leslie M(?). (1896-)
iii. Muriel (1898-)
iv. Guinness M(?). (1899-)
John Grant#6 LASHMAR6, 1C2R. Born on Feb 9, 1867 in Oxted, Surrey, England.75,6,33 Christened on Mar 10, 1867 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 10="" 1867.33="" baptized="" br="" carpenter.75="" england="" grant="" in="" john="" mar="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
Lilly LASHMAR91, 1C2R. Born on Jul 19, 1868 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 At the age of <1 15="" 1868.33="" aug="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" lilly="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
Lilly married Edward E. PAGE91. Born in 1971 in Stepney, London, England.91 Resided in 89 - 90 Leather Land (Head?), St. Andrews Holborn, Holborn, in 1901.91 Occupation: 1901 - Oilmans Manager.91
They had the following children:
i. Isabel C. (1899-)
ii. Reginald E. (1901-)
Charles Peter Marchant #4 LASHMAR6, 1C2R. Born on Apr 7, 1870 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 Christened on May 10, 1870 in Oxted, Surrey, England.6 At the age of <1 10="" 1870.33="" baptized="" br="" charles="" england="" in="" marchant="" may="" on="" oxted="" peter="" surrey="" was="">
? Mar 1903 when Charles Peter Marchant #4 was 32, he married ?Annie OR ?Edith Maud M. FAGGETTER OR PALMER22, in Portsmouth.22
Augusta LASHMAR91,33, 1C2R. Born on Aug 2, 1871 in Oxted, Surrey, England.91,33 At the age of <1 -="" 1872.33="" 1891.76="" 1901.91="" 1901="" 19="" 25="" 29="" 89="" 90="" above="" age="" andrews="" assistant="" at="" augusta="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" ead="" edward="" employed="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" holborn="" husband="" in="" jul="" land="" lashmar.91="" leather="" lewisham="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" worked="" written="">
Maud Emma LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Jan 15, 1873 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 At the age of <1 13="" 1873.33="" baptized="" br="" emma="" england="" feb="" in="" maud="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
Thomas Marchant #5 LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Sep 6, 1874 in Oxted, Surrey, England.91,33 At the age of <1 -="" 1874.33="" 1901="" 25="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" dec="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" marchant="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" ritten="" s="" surrey="" thomas="" was="" worked="">
Judith LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Jun 2, 1876 in Oxted, Surrey, England.33 At the age of <1 1876.33="" 29="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" judith="" jun="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was="">
Guiness Stanley LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Nov 8, 1879 in Oxted, Surrey, England.22,91,33 At the age of <1 -="" 15="" 1880.33="" 1901="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" feb="" for="" guiness="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" stanley="" surrey="" was="" worked="" written="">
In Dec 1902 when Guiness Stanley was 23, he married UNKNOWN, in London, Middlesex, England.93
They had one child:
i. Guiness George (1905-)
Susannah LASHMAR, 1C2R. Born on Nov 10, 1880 in Oxted, Surrey, England.75,76,33 At the age of 1, Susannah was baptized in Oxted, Surrey, England, on Dec 26, 1881.33
<1 -="" 14="" 1804.6="" 1833="" 1834.31="" 1850="" 18="" 29="" 45.32="" 6="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer.="" buried="" ca="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" he="" in="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" tandridge="" the="" was="" william=""><1 10="" 1809.30="" 1839="" 1="" 30.32="" 30="" apr="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" may="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was=""><1 -="" 1810.30="" 1848="" 1849.31="" 1851="" 1855.31="" 1855.60="" 1855="" 1859.31="" 1867.="" 1867="" 1873="" 1875="" 23="" 30="" 31="" 37="" 44="" 48="" 56="" 64.32="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" buried="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.30="" england="" farmer="" godstone="" he="" in="" john="" kelly="" last="" maltser="" mar="" marchant="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" post="" s="" sep="" surrey.36="" surrey="" tandridge="" testament.62="" the="" was="" will=""><1 1814.30="" 1842="" 1="" 25="" 28.32="" 9="" ann="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" in="" nov="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was=""><1 -="" 10="" 16="" 17="" 1833.33="" 1851="" 1856.72="" 1868="" 20="" 23="" 34.32="" 6="" ag3="" age="" at="" aug="" baptized="" bloomsbury="" br="" brewer="" buried="" census="" charles="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" george="" he="" in="" marchant="" middlesex="" nov="" occupation:="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" parish="" peter="" redhill="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" yrs.=""><1 -="" 1835.33="" 1851-post="" 1855="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867-1882="" 1867-kelly="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1874="" 1876.31="" 1878.31="" 1881.58="" 1890="" 1901-retired="" 1911="" 19="" 20="" 25="" 2="" 32="" 36="" 41="" 43="" 46="" 76.58="" 7="" aft="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" birth="" br="" brewer.74="" brewer="" brewery="" buried="" charles="" crown="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.32="" england="" epsom="" february="" fetcham-2m="" gent.73="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" l.="" leatherhead-3m="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" percy="" ran="" s="" sry="" surrey="" sw="" the="" turner="" w.="" wallington="" was="" william=""><1 14="" 1836.33="" 1837="" 18="" ann="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" dec="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" mary="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" was=""><1 1839.33="" 1839="" 24="" 25="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" he="" in="" mar="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was=""><1 -="" 14="" 1840.33="" 1851="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1871="" 1876.31="" 1878.="" 1891-living="" 1898="" 1901.78="" 1901="" 1="" 26="" 30="" 31="" 35="" 37="" 57.77="" 61="" 8="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" deptford="" died="" employed="" england="" farmer.75="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" maltster="" mar="" marchant="" means="" occupation:="" of="" on="" own="" oxted="" retired="" scholar="" surrey="" terrace="" the="" vulcan="" was=""><1 10="" 1841.33="" ann="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" oct="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" surrey="" was=""><1 .="" 1844.33="" 1844="" 30="" 7="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" buried="" england.33="" england="" george="" in="" jun="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" the="" was=""><1 -="" 1863.33="" 1884="" 1910="" 28="" 46.58="" 6="" at="" august="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" dec="" derby="" died="" distillers="" district="" england="" he="" in="" john="" lancashire="" mar="" marriage.33="" may="" mgr.82="" occupation:="" of="" on="" or="" oxted="" surrey="" time="" turner="" was="" west="" william=""><1 12.="" 1865.33="" 1878="" 20="" 27="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" ernest="" feb="" he="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was=""><1 -="" 1867.33="" 3="" account="" at="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" england="" grace="" home.73="" in="" mar="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working=""><1 -="" 121="" 1868.33="" 1868="" 1891.85="" 1891="" 1901="" 1911="" 22="" 5="" 9="" a="" age="" agent="" albert="" apr="" april="" army="" at="" baptized="" barracks="" br="" christened="" damerel="" devon.85="" devon="" eastney="" employed="" england.33="" england="" house="" in="" insurance="" manager="" marchant="" methuen="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" portsmouth.84="" portsmouth.="" private="" public="" raglan="" rd="" sep="" stoke="" surrey="" the="" was=""><1 -="" 1870.33="" 1870="" 30="" account="" at="" baptized="" br="" christened="" eliza="" england.22="" england="" home.73="" in="" mar="" marion="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working=""><1 -="" 1872.33="" 1872="" 4="" archibald="" baptized="" br="" butcher="" christened="" england.22="" england="" george="" in="" journeyman="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" sep="" surrey="" was="" worker.86=""><1 1863.33="" 1="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" letitia="" mar="" mary="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 12="" 1864.33="" 1901.88="" 1901="" 1904-1906="" 1="" 36="" age="" ailor="" ann="" anns="" at="" baptized="" br="" census="" crescent="" dressmaker="" elizabeth="" employed="" england="" in="" letitia.88="" lewes="" maker="" mantle="" may="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" st.="" surrey="" sussex="" the="" w.="" was=""><1 1866.33="" 18="" agnes="" baptized="" blanche="" br="" england="" feb="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 10="" 1867.33="" baptized="" br="" carpenter.75="" england="" grant="" in="" john="" mar="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 15="" 1868.33="" aug="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" lilly="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 10="" 1870.33="" baptized="" br="" charles="" england="" in="" marchant="" may="" on="" oxted="" peter="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 1872.33="" 1891.76="" 1901.91="" 1901="" 19="" 25="" 29="" 89="" 90="" above="" age="" andrews="" assistant="" at="" augusta="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" ead="" edward="" employed="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" holborn="" husband="" in="" jul="" land="" lashmar.91="" leather="" lewisham="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" worked="" written=""><1 13="" 1873.33="" baptized="" br="" emma="" england="" feb="" in="" maud="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 1874.33="" 1901="" 25="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" dec="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" marchant="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" ritten="" s="" surrey="" thomas="" was="" worked=""><1 1876.33="" 29="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" judith="" jun="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 15="" 1880.33="" 1901="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" feb="" for="" guiness="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" stanley="" surrey="" was="" worked="" written="">
<1 -="" 14="" 1804.6="" 1833="" 1834.31="" 1850="" 18="" 29="" 45.32="" 6="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer.="" buried="" ca="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" he="" in="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" tandridge="" the="" was="" william=""><1 10="" 1809.30="" 1839="" 1="" 30.32="" 30="" apr="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" may="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was=""><1 -="" 1810.30="" 1848="" 1849.31="" 1851="" 1855.31="" 1855.60="" 1855="" 1859.31="" 1867.="" 1867="" 1873="" 1875="" 23="" 30="" 31="" 37="" 44="" 48="" 56="" 64.32="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" buried="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.30="" england="" farmer="" godstone="" he="" in="" john="" kelly="" last="" maltser="" mar="" marchant="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" post="" s="" sep="" surrey.36="" surrey="" tandridge="" testament.62="" the="" was="" will=""><1 1814.30="" 1842="" 1="" 25="" 28.32="" 9="" ann="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" in="" nov="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" tandridge="" was=""><1 -="" 10="" 16="" 17="" 1833.33="" 1851="" 1856.72="" 1868="" 20="" 23="" 34.32="" 6="" ag3="" age="" at="" aug="" baptized="" bloomsbury="" br="" brewer="" buried="" census="" charles="" died="" employed="" england.33="" england="" george="" he="" in="" marchant="" middlesex="" nov="" occupation:="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" parish="" peter="" redhill="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" yrs.=""><1 -="" 1835.33="" 1851-post="" 1855="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867-1882="" 1867-kelly="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1874="" 1876.31="" 1878.31="" 1881.58="" 1890="" 1901-retired="" 1911="" 19="" 20="" 25="" 2="" 32="" 36="" 41="" 43="" 46="" 76.58="" 7="" aft="" age="" and="" at="" baptized="" birth="" br="" brewer.74="" brewer="" brewery="" buried="" charles="" crown="" died="" directory="" employed="" england.32="" england="" epsom="" february="" fetcham-2m="" gent.73="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" l.="" leatherhead-3m="" maltser="" mar="" nov="" occupation:="" of="" office="" on="" oxted="" percy="" ran="" s="" sry="" surrey="" sw="" the="" turner="" w.="" wallington="" was="" william=""><1 14="" 1836.33="" 1837="" 18="" ann="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" dec="" died="" england.33="" england="" in="" mary="" on="" oxted="" she="" surrey="" was=""><1 1839.33="" 1839="" 24="" 25="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" feb="" he="" in="" mar="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was=""><1 -="" 14="" 1840.33="" 1851="" 1867-1882.37="" 1867.31="" 1871.31="" 1871="" 1876.31="" 1878.="" 1891-living="" 1898="" 1901.78="" 1901="" 1="" 26="" 30="" 31="" 35="" 37="" 57.77="" 61="" 8="" aft="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" deptford="" died="" employed="" england="" farmer.75="" he="" in="" jan="" john="" maltster="" mar="" marchant="" means="" occupation:="" of="" on="" own="" oxted="" retired="" scholar="" surrey="" terrace="" the="" vulcan="" was=""><1 10="" 1841.33="" ann="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" oct="" on="" oxted="" sarah="" surrey="" was=""><1 .="" 1844.33="" 1844="" 30="" 7="" age="" at="" baptized="" br="" buried="" england.33="" england="" george="" in="" jun="" oct="" of="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" the="" was=""><1 -="" 1863.33="" 1884="" 1910="" 28="" 46.58="" 6="" at="" august="" baptized="" br="" brewer="" dec="" derby="" died="" distillers="" district="" england="" he="" in="" john="" lancashire="" mar="" marriage.33="" may="" mgr.82="" occupation:="" of="" on="" or="" oxted="" surrey="" time="" turner="" was="" west="" william=""><1 12.="" 1865.33="" 1878="" 20="" 27="" aug="" baptized="" br="" buried="" died="" england.33="" england="" ernest="" feb="" he="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" thomas="" was=""><1 -="" 1867.33="" 3="" account="" at="" audrey="" baptized="" br="" england="" grace="" home.73="" in="" mar="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working=""><1 -="" 121="" 1868.33="" 1868="" 1891.85="" 1891="" 1901="" 1911="" 22="" 5="" 9="" a="" age="" agent="" albert="" apr="" april="" army="" at="" baptized="" barracks="" br="" christened="" damerel="" devon.85="" devon="" eastney="" employed="" england.33="" england="" house="" in="" insurance="" manager="" marchant="" methuen="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" portsmouth.84="" portsmouth.="" private="" public="" raglan="" rd="" sep="" stoke="" surrey="" the="" was=""><1 -="" 1870.33="" 1870="" 30="" account="" at="" baptized="" br="" christened="" eliza="" england.22="" england="" home.73="" in="" mar="" marion="" mistress="" occupation:="" on="" own="" oxted="" school="" surrey="" was="" working=""><1 -="" 1872.33="" 1872="" 4="" archibald="" baptized="" br="" butcher="" christened="" england.22="" england="" george="" in="" journeyman="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" sep="" surrey="" was="" worker.86=""><1 1863.33="" 1="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" letitia="" mar="" mary="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 12="" 1864.33="" 1901.88="" 1901="" 1904-1906="" 1="" 36="" age="" ailor="" ann="" anns="" at="" baptized="" br="" census="" crescent="" dressmaker="" elizabeth="" employed="" england="" in="" letitia.88="" lewes="" maker="" mantle="" may="" occupation:="" of="" on="" oxted="" st.="" surrey="" sussex="" the="" w.="" was=""><1 1866.33="" 18="" agnes="" baptized="" blanche="" br="" england="" feb="" in="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 10="" 1867.33="" baptized="" br="" carpenter.75="" england="" grant="" in="" john="" mar="" occupation:="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 15="" 1868.33="" aug="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" lilly="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 10="" 1870.33="" baptized="" br="" charles="" england="" in="" marchant="" may="" on="" oxted="" peter="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 1872.33="" 1891.76="" 1901.91="" 1901="" 19="" 25="" 29="" 89="" 90="" above="" age="" andrews="" assistant="" at="" augusta="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" ead="" edward="" employed="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" holborn="" husband="" in="" jul="" land="" lashmar.91="" leather="" lewisham="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" st.="" surrey="" the="" was="" worked="" written=""><1 13="" 1873.33="" baptized="" br="" emma="" england="" feb="" in="" maud="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 1874.33="" 1901="" 25="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" dec="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" for="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" marchant="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" ritten="" s="" surrey="" thomas="" was="" worked=""><1 1876.33="" 29="" baptized="" br="" england="" in="" judith="" jun="" on="" oxted="" surrey="" was=""><1 -="" 15="" 1880.33="" 1901="" above="" assistant="" baptized="" br="" brother-in-law="" colour="" e.="" edward="" england="" entry="" feb="" for="" guiness="" have="" husband="" in="" lashmar.91="" lilly="" may="" occupation:="" of="" oilman="" on="" oxted="" page="" s="" stanley="" surrey="" was="" worked="" written="">